
Our invitation…

We want to extend a warm welcome to you to share in our various ministries. Please join us for worship any Sunday at 9:30 am. Sunday School is provided during each term. Afterwards, please stay for morning tea in the hall, or for lunch on the fourth Sunday. Our church life features a range of activities, including Bible studies, prayer meetings, and fellowship gatherings. There is a Presbyterian Women’s Association, and craft and indoor bowls groups, plus a developing youth ministry.

Our Message…

We are Christians and a Church community because we have heard “good news” from the Bible, and we want to share that with you. It is summed up in one sentence, which can be found in the New Testament book called John, chapter 3, verse 16.

For God…
This is the greatest fact. The universe, and each one of us, does not exist by accident. We were designed and created for a purpose.

…so loved…
This is the greatest commitment. The God who made us is absolutely loyal. He is pure, powerful and compassionate.

…the world…
This is the greatest need. We are in a terrible mess. And yet in spite of all our hostility to God, we are still the objects of His mercy.

…that he gave his only Son…
This is the greatest gift. God the Father has sent God the Son. He has become one of us in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

…that whoever believes in him…
This is the greatest transformation. When God the Holy Spirit opens our understanding, he gives us faith to entrust ourselves to Jesus.

…should not perish…
This is the greatest rescue. The punishment and destiny that we deserve has been completed for us by Jesus’ death on the cross.

…but have eternal life.
This is the greatest privilege. Jesus has risen from the tomb, and He gives new life to His people now – new life with him that will never end.